Who is G.G.Games?

Our company aims to realize ‘fun, interesting, and worth trying’ experiences.

Message from the President

G.G.Games can create and operate games by leveraging cutting-edge technology, providing new experiences to domestic and international users.

Please look forward to G.G.Games’ works in the future!

CEO Tsuyoshi Hagino

Company Profile

Company name
G.G.Games LLC
Company adress
WIN Minami Aoyama 531, 2-2-15 Minami Aoyama, Minato Ward, Tokyo
April 2021
  • Founded in April
  • 2021
  • Participation in an indie game project
    In-game character design from an overseas company
  • April
  • 2021
  • Collaboration for sake illustration label production with Tokyo Sake Collection
  • September
  • 2021
  • Production of game IP started Figure planning illustration production
  • November
  • 2021
  • Participation in NFT/Game-Fi related business
  • January
  • 2022
  • Game IP figure project started
  • April
  • 2022
  • Publishing and figure multi project start
  • October
  • 2022
  • Game-Fi IP launch
Tsuyoshi Hagino
Business contents

Game planning, production and sales

Planning, production, and sales of video, audio, illustrations, books, goods, and moldings

Survey collection and provision of marketing and management information

Event planning, management and holding

Planning, development and sales of advertising information media and advertising agency business

Consulting business incidental to the above

Major business partners

Kotobukiya Co., Ltd.

T.E.S.T Co., Ltd.

Emon Toys Co., Ltd.

Getsurinsha Co., Ltd.

U-DASH Co., Ltd.

Logion Co., Ltd.

Beijing Yuncheng Game Technology Co., Ltd.