1. Definition of personal information
We define personal information as information that can identify an individual customer, such as name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
2. Scope of use of personal information
Personal information provided by customers will be used within the scope of the purpose of use specified to the customer.
3. Acquisition of personal information
When acquiring your personal information, we will notify you of the purpose of acquisition in advance and acquire the minimum necessary personal information.
4. Disclosure of Personal Information
Personal information obtained from customers will not be disclosed to third parties. However, if the following conditions are met, information may be disclosed to the minimum extent necessary.
① When the customer consents to information disclosure.
② When required by law
③ When it is necessary to disclose information to our subcontractors who have entered into confidentiality
④ confidentiality agreements with us in advance in order to carry out the services we provide to our customers.
When it is necessary to cooperate with the national government, local governments, or those entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations.
5. Management of personal information
Acquired personal information will be strictly managed and supervised by the administrator. In addition, we will take necessary measures in a timely manner to prevent leakage, loss, or falsification of personal information.
6. Correction, Deletion and Viewing of Personal Information
If a customer requests disclosure of the content of the personal information that we have acquired, we will promptly disclose the information to the customer. However, this does not apply if we are unable to verify your identity or if it significantly hinders our business. In addition, if a customer requests correction or deletion of personal information, we will promptly correct or delete it, provided that the standards set by our company are met.
7. About access analysis
In order to provide better service, we use access analysis to collect web page statistics. We do not collect your personal information through access analysis.
8. Legal compliance
Regarding the management of personal information, we will comply with the stipulated laws and regulations. If there is a revision of the law in the future, we will modify the above items according to the contents.